PhoneGap requires you have the following software installed:
1. Eclipse Integrated Design Environment (IDE), a program to write code and manage software development
2. Java Development Kit (JDK), the Java compiler and support tools
3. The Android Software Development Kit (SDK), base code and emulators for developing Android apps
4. Android Development Toolkit (ADT), a plug-in for Eclipse that makes Android development seamless
5. Apache Ant, a program that automates software build processes (similar to 'make')
6. Ruby, a programming language
7. Git Bash, an alternative command program for Windows environments (Windows only)
If you've previously done any development in the Android environment,
you probably have 1-4 already installed. If you have not, it is
strongly recommended you visit to
better understand Android development and create your own, "Hello,
World" example prior to jumping into PhoneGap. A great resource exists
at: for new developers.
Step 1: Installing the Prerequisite Software
1A. Eclipse
Install the Eclipse IDE for Java Developers from This a ZIP archive file, extract the folder “eclipse”. Most other flavors of Eclipse (like Aptana or platform specific builds) will also work, provided that you install all the necessary Eclipse plug-ins.
Extract the downloaded archive and place it somewhere you'll remember
and add the tools sub directory your PATH. Additional information and
instructions for adding the Android SDK to your PATH can be found at:
Be sure to do the following (Windows):
If you install into a folder containing a space (c:\Program Files),
you must refer to it by its truncated name in the command program. In
this case "c:\progra~1". The truncated name will be the first six
characters + ~ + a sequential number starting with 1 for each instance
of the same six characters.
Add android SDK to your Path
Add android sdk tools (\android-sdk-windows\tools) to your path.
This is necessary for ruby to find the command "android create project"
later on.
1D. ADT Plug-in for Eclipse
Install the ADT Plug-in for Eclipse as described here:
To verify your installation of Eclipse, Android SDK, ADT, and Java,
you can build a sample “Hello World” application using the instructions
located here:
you install into a folder containing a space (c:\Program Files), you
must refer to it by its truncated name in the command program. In this
case "c:\progra~1". The truncated name will be the first six characters
+ ~ + a sequential number starting with 1 for each instance of the same
six characters.
Download and unzip binaries
add the unzipped folder path to your PATH
OS X - it comes with XCode otherwise "sudo port install apache-ant".
Note: During installation, you may select the "Use Git Bash only" option
Step 2: Confirm Environment Variables
Environment variables are data stored by your system; in this case we
are interested in the file locations of the various developer tools.
You should have these environment variables:
ANDROID_HOME, location of the Android SDK (for example: D:/android-sdk-windows)
ANT_HOME, location of Android Ant (for example: D:\apache-ant-1.8.1)
JAVA_HOME, location of the JDK (for example: C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20)
Path, folders where the operating system always looks when given a command (includes these, for example: C:\Ruby191\bin; D:\apache-ant-1.8.1\bin; C:\Program Files\Java\jdk1.6.0_20\bin; D:\android-sdk-windows\tools)
You can confirm the environment variables the following way:
2C. "Edit..." the Path to include the needed folders. Use a semicolon (;) to separate folders.
Hint: You can copy the path from the address bar in Windows Explorer.
If everything looks good in the environment variables, try opening a
command prompt (Start > Run > cmd) and typing in "ant", "ruby",
"java", or "android". If you get the error message "x was not
recognized as an internal or external command" you need to check your
PATH value. If the program continues to execute you can use ctrl-c to
terminate it.
Step 3. Download the PhoneGap Source Code
First you will need to download the latest PhoneGap code. It is
hosted on The easier way to get the code is to download it
directly from the github website.
Alternatively, you may use a dedicated 'git' client to download the
code or you may use Eclipse. This guide will not cover either of those
3B. Unzip the files into a folder.
Step 4. Build the Example PhoneGap App
Now we will use Ruby and a script called 'droidgap' that is provided
with PhoneGap to package up our example app. This will create two
outputs; a file called 'PhoneGap.jar' and an Android Eclipse project,
which we will then import into Eclipse.
4A. Open a command window and change directory ('cd') to the
'phonegap-android' folder. In Windows, use git bash as the command
window. In Mac OS, use Terminal.
4B. Run the following command. This will create a PhoneGap.jar file
and create a basic Android Eclipse project in the output path that can
then be opened in Eclipse.
NOTE: The droidgap script has been updated and now there are two
methods to create the necessary files. The new script is significantly
simpler to use than the old method. For those who prefer the old method,
it is still available.
4C. From the 'phonegap-android' folder, run 'ruby bin/droidgap create
[path_of_application]'. For the example app, the command would be 'ruby
bin/droidgap create example'. If the example folder does not exist
inside 'phonegap-android', run 'ruby bin/droidgap gen' first.
The new create command in the droidgap script will generate the
Eclipse project, ready to be imported. The results of the script can be
found at '[path_of_application]_android'. Example:
If [path_of_application] = '~/my_app', then droidgap create will place
results at '~/my_app_android'. The for the example app, the results will
be placed at '../phonegap-android/example_android'
Skip ahead to Step 5 for Eclipse import instructions.
Run 'droidgap help' to see other new commands including run, log, test and ship.
Previous users of the droidgap script please note that droidgap must
now be invoked with the 'classic' command to use this method.
android_sdk_path ... The path to your Android SDK install. (Must use forward slashes (/) in path)
name ...................... The name of your application.
package_name ....... The name of your package (For example:
com.nitobi.demo). Can not be just the app name, must contain at least
one "." (i.e. "com.example").
www ...................... The path to your www folder. (Where your HTML, CSS and JavaScript code is located)
path ...................... The path to generate the application. (CANNOT be inside ANY Eclipse workspace) (Must use forward slashes (/) in path)
You should get a message in your terminal saying completed!
Then run `ruby ./droidgap classic
/Users/danmayer/projects/android/android-sdk-mac_86 test_app
com.mayerdan.testapp example/ ~/projects/test_droid_phonegap` again.
Some notes:
Your output path should not be inside your Eclipse workspace. *See note in Step 5
Make sure the path you set to generate the application doesn't exist
For the www folder, phonegap-android comes with a folder called example that includes some sample html, css and js.
I found I was getting errors for not having set android or ant in my path. Make sure you followed the earlier steps.
When pointing to a directory, you need to have quotes around the path "C:/mobile/......"
While in the command prompt, you should manually change all the
backslashes ( \ ) to forward slashes ( / ). This helps the droidgap
script with its syntax. E.g. The android_sdk_path argument must use forward slashes (/).
If you install into a folder containing a space (c:\Program Files),
you must refer to it by its truncated name in the command program. In
this case "c:\progra~1". Otherwise, the script will look for
"c:\Program" and fail.
Note: The truncated name will be the first six characters + '~' + a
sequential number starting with 1 for each instance of the same six
characters. For instance if you have two folders c:\PhoneGapA and
c:\PhoneGapB, the former's truncated name will become, "c:\phoneg~1" and
the latter's will become, "c:\phoneg~2".
For Windows users: The droidgap script is written to expect
UNIX-style syntax, which is why you need to use 'git bash' to execute
these commands. 'Bash' is a shell language and the 'git bash'
application can handle the expected syntax. Alternatively you may use
another bash-style command application, such as 'cygwin', but if you
know what that is, you know how to install and use it.
Do not have "tools" as a folder in your path to the android sdk folder; C:\Users\Daniel\Dev\tools\android-sdk won't work.
If at any point you need to check your PATH variables in git bash you can use the command "echo $PATH"
Step 5. Importing Your Example App into Eclipse
Now time to create your project. In Eclipse, go to File > New project > Android > Android Project
Now select create project from existing source and navigate to the
new folder that was generated in the last step. Select a build target
and press finish.
*NOTE: The folder you specified in the
Ruby script will actually be the folder that your Eclipse will save to,
and compile from and NOT your current Eclipse Workspace. Saving your
folder to a location inside of a Workspace will not allow you to create
the project because the .metadata folder. If you have pointed your
folder to one of your Eclipse Workspaces, simply cut and paste the
folder to a location that is outside of any Workspace.
Now, in Eclipse you should see your project
Rightclick phonegap.jar under the libs folder and go to Buildpath -> Add to build path.
Note: Now the folder structure should look like the one shown below.
Click on the project folder again and then the Run button in Eclipse,
it is the button that looks like "Play". When you run this project, you
should the dialog box to Run As.., choose Android Application. You
may get the unable to launch dialog, this can happen if you have the
Android 1.5 or some other file highlighted when you try to run the
project. Just select the project folder and click run.
If you have done everything correctly, there should be an Application
that loads. It should be noted that testing with an actual device is
preferable to the Emulator for many reasons, namely the fact that it's
easier to test the Accelerometer, Geolocation, Beep and Vibrate
Functionality. However, for testing on the actual browser browser
events, and various issues with Webkit on Android the Emulator does just
as well.
Perhaps JAVA_HOME does not point to the JDK. Or maybe JAVA_HOME
doesn't exist. To fix this you must right click on my computer, go to
advanced system settings, click the advanced tab, press the environment
variables button, Under system variables click new and add JAVA_HOME if
it doesn't exist and make the path to the JDK that was installed
droidgap:48:in ``': No such file or directory
android create project -t 7 -k be.progone.test -a PG1 -n PG1 -p
E:/baud/work/Mobile/Pr_Eclipse/PG1/build (Errno::ENOENT) from droidgap:48:in `create_android'
Add the Android SDK tools path to the system. Follow steps above to get to system environment variables.
Eg: C:\Program Files\Android SDK\tools
ERROR: "BUILD FAILED C:\phonegap-android\framework\build.xml:49: taskdef class cannot be found"
going to the "framework" folder and check the path in
the file. See if its correct and pointing to your
android sdk directory.
You MUST use a forward slash in the directory (Windows users) otherwise the paths will not match up.
Eg: C:/Program Files (x86)/Android SDK
on various buttons on the example app, doesn't do anything" or some
things are working but I can't tell what is going on, or I want more
information how do I view the Android logs?
more information about what is going one while phonegap is running, run
the Android log viewer. `adb logcat` if adb isn't found you just need to
do the full path to it something like
`~/projects/andriod/android-sdk-mac_86/tools/adb logcat`. If you have
both a device and a Android emulator running use -d and -e like so `adb
-e logcat`. This should give you more info about what is going on. Here
is a small example clipping form the android logs.
D/PhoneGapLog( 291): file:///android_asset/www/phonegap.js: Line 216
: TypeError: Result of expression 'accel' [undefined] is not an object.
E/Web Console( 291): TypeError: Result of expression 'accel'
[undefined] is not an object. at
D/PhoneGap( 291): The provider network is disabled
D/SntpClient( 61): request time failed: Address family not supported by protocol
From this we can see that the accel is not working. And some
information about the location of the Error. This helps debug problems
and also helps you to give more information when asking the PhoneGap
community for help.
RP gives you the wireframing, prototyping and specification tools
needed to make informed design choices, persuade any skeptics, get your
design built to spec... and maybe win a few fans along the way.
The sliding touch panel only shows up on mobile platforms. With a
mouse it feels clunky, but sliding with your finger just feels right.
This article shows you how to implement a sliding touch panel in JavaScript. jQuery
is the only dependency of the touch slider. The rest is pure
JavaScript and HTML. It runs fast, feels natural, and works on every
mobile device with touch support.
PhoneGapLib is a static library that enables users to include
PhoneGap in their iPhone application projects easily, and also create
new PhoneGap based iPhone application projects through a Xcode project
Uninstalling PhoneGapLib, PhoneGap.framework and the Xcode Templates
Launch ""
Navigate to the folder where Makefile is (this folder)
Type in "make uninstall" then press Enter
NOTE: It will ask you to confirm whether you want to delete the
installed PhoneGapLib directory (just in case you made changes there) as
well as the PhoneGap framework. It will not ask for confirmation in
deleting the installed Xcode templates.
Installer Notes
This installer will only install items under your home folder (signified by ~)
Items that will be installed:
Xcode global var in ~/Library/Preferences/
(which will be listed under Xcode Preferences -> Source Trees)
PhoneGapLib Xcode static library project under ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib
Xcode project template in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates/PhoneGap
Xcode 4 project template in ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Templates/Project Templates/Application
PhoneGap Xcode static framework under /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework (may change in future updates)
Symlink to the framework in (5) under ~/Library/Frameworks
To uninstall:
Remove the PHONEGAPLIB value in Xcode Preferences -> Source Trees
Delete the ~/Documents/PhoneGapLib folder
Delete the ~/Library/Application Support/Developer/Shared/Xcode/Project Templates/PhoneGap folder
Delete the "~/Library/Application
Templates/Application/PhoneGap-based Application.xctemplate" folder
Delete the /Users/Shared/PhoneGap/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework folder
Delete the ~/Library/Frameworks/PhoneGap.framework symlink
PhoneGapLib Tests
There is a Xcode project that will test PhoneGapLib according to the
mobile spec. There is some setup needed before the project can be run.
You will also need git installed and in your path.
Set up the test project:
Launch ""
Type in "chmod 755"
Type in "./"
This will get the mobile-spec submodule and install it under the
PhoneGapLibTests folder. You can then build and run the PhoneGapLibTest
project to see the results.
You should run step (3) again before running any tests, to get the updated mobile-spec.
새롭게 선보이는 매체인《EPISODE》의 모토는 새로움입니다. 터치 인터페이스라는 새로운 환경에 맞게 컨텐츠, UX, 컨텐츠와
독자와의 관계를 완전히 새롭게 재정의하고자 합니다. 한국을 넘어 아시아 시장에서 아이패드 컨텐츠의 선도적 역할을 해
나가는《EPISODE》가 되겠습니다.
이번호에서는 일본의 대재앙에 대해 살펴보고자 합니다. 데이터와 인포그래픽 그리고 아이패드에서만 가능한 UX를 통해 일본의 대재앙이 일본만의 문제가 아닌 전세계의 문제이며 바로 우리의 문제임을 알아보고자 했습니다.
트위터에서 최고의 미디어 파워를 자랑하는 독설닷컴 고재열 시사인 기자와의 인터뷰 기사도 있습니다. 트위터와 인터넷에서 많은 논쟁을 통해 다듬어진 고재열 기자의 생각과 입장을 들어보시기 바랍니다.
특히 이번호는 디자인이 확 바뀌었습니다. 터치 인터페이스라는 새로운 매체에서 발행되지만 책 혹은 잡지의 기본을 다시 생각하며 디자인에 많은 신경을 썼습니다.
《EPISODE》는 앞으로도 꾸준하게 UX 분야에서의 실험을 진행할 예정입니다. 독자의 움직임에 반응하는 디자인, 사용자와 커뮤니케이션하는 컨텐츠, 그리고 밀도 있고 창조적인 새로운 형식의 미디어를 경험해보시기 바랍니다.
CarouSlide is an easy-to-implement, flexible yet powerful jQuery plugin that allows you to create a wide range of different carousel and slideshow implentations, from a small and semantic list of HTML content.
Some of its optional features include:
Three types of animation: fade, slide vertically and slide horizontally
<!-- ul/li structure can be replaced by any other html structure as div/div, div/span... -->
Some CSS
/* Comments on styles purpose in the source code */ #viewport{ width:240px; overflow:hidden; } #viewport ul{ position: relative; padding:0; } #viewport li{ width:100px; height:50px; float: left; list-style: none; }
Some JavaScript : the magic
If you need to activate auto-scrolling on your carousel, simply simulate a click :
//The auto-scrolling function function slide(){ $('#simpleNext').click(); } //Launch the scroll every 2 seconds var intervalId = window.setInterval(slide,2000);