html5, 모바일기기에서 사용가능한 차트. 퓨전차트


PowerCharts is a set of advanced charting widgets for usage in specialized applications like network diagrams, performance analysis, hierarchical structures, stock prices and financial planning.

  • Render charts in both Flash and JavaScript (HTML5); works with PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and a majority of other mobile devices
  • Integrate with any server-side technology (ASP.NET, PHP, ASP, RoR, JSP, ColdFusion etc.) and database
  • Highly interactive capabilities like visually editing data, adding data nodes at runtime and submitting modified data back to server
  • Extensive documentation and samples get you started in minutes
Add the Rich Internet Applications functionality to your web applications with PowerCharts

Chart GalleryDownloadPowerCharts Documentation

Chart Types

PowerCharts offers 16 different chart types each with their own specialized applications:

  1. Drag Node Chart

    Drag Node ChartPowerful diagramming tool for network diagrams & process flow diagrams

  2. Heat Map Chart

    Heat Map ChartTabular representation of complex data with user-defined color ranges

  3. Multi-Axis Line Chart

    Multi-Axis Line ChartAdvanced line chart with multiple axes for comparing multiple parameters

  4. Interactive Candlestick Chart

    Interactive Candlestick ChartHighly interactive chart for plotting stock data and commodity prices

  5. Waterfall Chart

    Waterfall ChartShows the cumulative effect of positive and negative values on an initial value

  6. Drag-able Charts

    Drag-able ChartsOffers visual modification of the plotted data simply by dragging the data plots

  7. Multi-Level Pie Chart

    Multi-Level Pie ChartModern method for displaying hierarchical relationships

  8. Box and Whisker Chart

    Box and Whisker ChartDisplay the spread of a batch of data using median, quartiles, limits, mean and deviations

  9. Logarithmic Charts

    Logarithmic ChartsFor plotting very large and very small values on the same chart on a logarithmic scale

  10. Radar (Spider) Chart

    Radar (Spider) ChartEffective tool for comparing multiple entities based on different features

  11. Spline Charts

    Spline ChartsSimilar to a line chart except that it draws a fitted curve through the data points

  12. Step Line Chart

    Step Line ChartSpecialized line chart with vertical and horizontal lines to connect data points

  13. Select Scatter Chart

    Select Scatter ChartScatter Chart where data points can be visually selected & processed

  14. Inverse Axis Charts

    Inverse Axis ChartsPlot data on an inverted scale, like ranks and race timings

  15. Error Charts

    Error ChartsShows the extent of possible error (or deviation) in data using I-shaped bars

  16. Kagi Chart

    Kagi ChartFor noise free analysis of equity/commodity prices

크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스
Creative Commons License
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Posted by 홍반장

2011/04/19 10:23 2011/04/19 10:23
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Learn to Build iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript


Want to build iPhone apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? When you purchase this product, you'll get access to the videos and other files associated with the Learn to Build iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript tutorial, including slide presentations and code examples. The sessions were presented live during January and early February 2010.

In this four-session video course, you'll quickly learn how to create simple web apps with features that take advantage of the device's remarkable functionality. You'll also learn to use Apple's tools to create native Cocoa-based iPhone apps. Each video session offers an easy-to-follow, hands-on lesson. It's the perfect way to get started with iPhone app design.

Presented by CreativeTechs in partnership with O'Reilly, each session offers easy-to-follow, hands-on lessons. You'll begin the course by building iPhone apps with standard web tools, then you'll learn how to create native Cocoa-based iPhone apps using Apple's tools. It's the perfect way to get started with iPhone app design, and all you need to know in advance is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics.

  • Build working web apps for the iPhone, using HTML and CSS web standards
  • Learn what a mobile web app is and how it differs from a native iPhone app
  • Create gestures and animation using JavaScript and the iUI and jQTouch libraries
  • Integrate your web app with several iPhone features
  • Build simple native iPhone apps using the TapLynx library -- without programming!
  • Learn how to build on your new-found iPhone web app development skills

크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스
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Posted by 홍반장

2011/04/05 11:04 2011/04/05 11:04
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Mockup 이란? 비행기나 자동차 따위를 개발할 때에, 각 부분의 배치를 보다 실제적으로 검토하기 위하여 제작하는 실물 크기의 모형.

MockUp :

Nov 16, 2009
77 ··· pment%2F

18 Mobile Frameworks and Development Tools for Creating iPhone Apps

iphonemockupSo you have a killer idea for an iPhone app, but when you describe it to people they just don’t get it. Maybe you have a client that is a visual thinker and needs you to draw it out for him. That’s when wireframes, mockups and stencils can be your saving grace.

There are many different types of tools available to developers, from low-tech stencil kits to high-tech collaborative software. So I’ve rounded up a few of the more popular ones people are using specifically for iPhone development. It’s far from being the definitive list, but it’s definitely a good place to start.

Low Tech Solutions


notepod Notepod is a notepad shaped like an iPhone. Each notepod is 100 pages of 60 x 110mm double sided paper. The front has 52mm x 77mm blank space (the iPhone screen), the back is a 6mm grid.

Project Page

iPhone UI Stencil Kit

stencilkit The iPhone ui stencil kit is a stainless steel, laser cut stencil kit for drawing quick mock-ups and wireframes for iPhone apps. It also comes with a Zebra mechanical pencil.

Project Page

iPhone Sketch Pad

iphonesketchpad The iPhone Sketchpad works precisely with the iPhone Stencil Kit, with one phone silhouette on the front side and three on the back.

Project Page

App Sketchbook

appsketchbook The App Sketchbook has 50 Double-sided, perforated pages each with 3 actual sized iPhone templates. Each page also has has 20px ruler markings and a ruled section for notes.

Project Page

Vector Images

MetaSpark’s Fireworks Vectors

iphone_mockup_toolkit A collection of vector iPhone UI elements for Fireworks CS3 and CS4.

Project Page

320480 Stencil PSD file

320480 Most iPhone screen elements, sensible layer sets all contained within one PSD file.

Project Page

Graffletopia Stencil Kit for Omnigraffle

graffletopia Graffletopia’s stencil kit for Omnigraffle. It is for quick sketching of iPhone ideas. Use the outline for printouts so you can hand sketch as well. The symbols are meant as a check list for included features in your app development.

Project Page


mockapp_ppt MockApp is a set of iPhone ui templates and library files put together for use in Powerpoint or Keynote.

Project Page

Firefox Plug-ins

iPhone Prototype

iphoneprototype This is a plug-in to browser Mozilla FireFox for prototyping interface of iPhone applications for creating an iPhone mock-up. Currently Alpha – not compatible with FF 3.55.

Project Page

Firefox Pencil

pencil Pencil is a free and opensource tool for making diagrams and GUI prototyping. Pencil runs on the Mozilla Gecko engine, turning the Firefox browser into a sketching tool with just a 400-kilobyte installation package.

Project Page

Fireworks Plug-ins


fwphp This plug-in combines Fireworks with some jQuery and PHP to give you a prototype you can not only view, but interact with, directly on your iPhone, just as if it’s a live app.

Project Page

iPhone Apps


liveview Liveview is an iPhone app that consists of two parts: the ScreenCaster and the Application itself.  ScreenCaster launches a simple iPhone skin on your Mac. From the same network, launch the LiveView app in your iPhone. Whatever the ScreenCaster is highlighting is now seen in the LiveView App. It also interprets touches as mouse clicks, turning it into a two way interactive prototype.

Project Page

Web Based Tools


mockingbird Mockingbird is a web based mockup/wireframe tool built using the Cappucino framework, so there’s no flash to wrestle with. While you can’t actually design your mockups from an iPhone (who’d want to?), the tool does have some very handy features. You can drag elements onto the screen, create multiple pages, link to other pages and share directly from the web.

Project Page


pidoco-software-prototyping Pidoco is a web-based tool that lets you create clickable wireframes via drag & drop ui and then collaborate with remote users on each project. The tool also includes iPhone stencils.

Project Page

iPhone Mockup

iphonemockup iPhone mockup is a web based tool that is currently in Alpha release only. You can design your mockup as a hand sketch or illustration, and mockups can contain user-uploaded images and user-entered text. Your mockups will be accessible via url so they are unsecured.

The developer makes this perfectly clear and warns that he could discontinue hosting mockups at anytime, thereby deleting any work. That makes this a handy tool for quick and dirty mockups you want to print or share with someone on the fly, but not for much more.

Project Page


protoshare Protoshare is a collaborative, web-based prototyping tool that helps teams visualize requirements for interactive projects and work together in real-time. It has an iPhone component that can be seen here.

Project Page


iplotz With iPlotz you can create clickable, navigable wireframes to create the experience of a real website or software application. You can also invite others to comment on the designs, and once ready, you can then manage the tasks for developers and designers to build the project.

Project Page

Installed Software


cogtool CogTool is a general purpose UI prototyping tool simply using a storyboard of your design idea with sketches, images or on a canvas. Demonstrate tasks on that storyboard, then press a button to produce a valid cognitive model predicting how long it will take a skilled user to complete those tasks.

Project Page


balsamiq Balsamiq mockups is desktop software that is designed to help teams or clients collaborate on wireframes and mockups. There are iPhone specific controls included.

Project Page


OmniGraffle is award winning diagraming mockup or graphic design software. Combined with Graffletopia’s iPhone stencil kit, this software is a great addition to any app developers toolbox.

Project Page

Justinmind Prototyper

justinmind Justinmind prototyper allows you to create fully functional wireframes for mobile applications and generate your HTML high-fidelity wireframes.

Project Page


irise iRise for iPhones gives developers a way to quickly prototype the look, feel and behavior of Apple iPhone applications through pre-defined visualization widgets and templates that can be quickly assembled into a high definition mobile applications.

Project Page

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Posted by 홍반장

2011/04/01 14:01 2011/04/01 14:01
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모바일웹 모범사례 :

HTML5 makes web standalone application
HTML5 Showcase: 48 Potential Flash-Killing Demos

CSS3 gives rich user experiences
47 Amazing CSS3 Animation Demos ··· demos%2F

Making native apps with Web Technology
•PhoneGap -
•Titanium appcelerator -
•Jo App -

Web UI Framework : iUI
•iUI: iPhone User Interface Framework
•Javascript, HTML, CSS
•Demo :

Web UI Framework : JQTouch
•Similar to native app UI
•Javascript, HTML, CSS
•JS Library

Web UI Framework : Sencha
HTML5, CSS3, Javascript
Resolution independent
JS Library

Widget Runtime Demo ··· Drelated

Extending Web Spec
•JIL (Joint Innovation Lab)
–Vodafone, VZW, Softbank, China Mobile
•BONDI(OMTP driven)
•W3C Device APIs and Policy

Waikiki –WAC engine ··· dex.html
•Widget Runtime
1. Spec (Core + DeviceAPIs)
2. Tools (SDK + RI[Reference Implementation])
3. Testing (Compliance process)

UI Element Kits
20 Free Web UI Element Kits and Stencils ··· ncils%2F
iPhone GUI PSD Version 4 ··· sd-v4%2F

IAd JS -

MobiOne 테스트 센터 :
MobiOne 디자인 센터 : ··· id%3D249

OpenAPI 개발자 사이트 :

1. Twitter API Key 받기(
2. Consumer secret, Request token 등록
3. 대부분 스크립트 언어 형태 지원(JSP, PHP, ASP..)
4. Twitter API(Search API, REST API)
5. Twittwer4J( Lib를 사용
※ 참고 사항 - 개발 시 한 시간 100쿼리, 하루 1000 쿼리 테스트 제약

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Posted by 홍반장

2011/03/23 11:20 2011/03/23 11:20
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플로그램에서 개발한 아이폰 어플리케이션 QRplus, 드디어 iTunes 에 올라오다.

QRplus - made in froglamb



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Posted by 홍반장

2010/07/13 19:33 2010/07/13 19:33
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사용자 삽입 이미지

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Posted by 홍반장

2010/07/07 16:38 2010/07/07 16:38
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문법오류검사키 : command + shift + A

Groups & Files  아래의 프로젝트명을 더블클릭하면 프로젝트 정보창이 뜬다.

* Build Options 의 Run Static Analyzer 를 체크하면 된다.

사용자 삽입 이미지

크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스
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Posted by 홍반장

2010/07/07 11:52 2010/07/07 11:52
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터미널에서 아래의 명령어를 실행(삭제하는 디렉토리에서 명령어를 실행하지 말것.root에서 실행하길 권장)

sudo /Developer/Library/uninstall-devtools --mode=all

크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스
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Posted by 홍반장

2010/06/30 13:54 2010/06/30 13:54
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최근에 내가 사용하는 아이폰 어플들.
사용자 삽입 이미지사용자 삽입 
이미지사용자 삽입 이미지

사용자 삽입 이미지사용자 삽입 이미지

크리에이티브 커먼즈 라이센스
Creative Commons License
이올린에 북마크하기

Posted by 홍반장

2010/06/17 18:43 2010/06/17 18:43
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블로그 이미지

- 홍반장


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