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PowerCharts is a set of advanced charting widgets for usage in specialized applications like network diagrams, performance analysis, hierarchical structures, stock prices and financial planning.

  • Render charts in both Flash and JavaScript (HTML5); works with PCs, Macs, iPads, iPhones and a majority of other mobile devices
  • Integrate with any server-side technology (ASP.NET, PHP, ASP, RoR, JSP, ColdFusion etc.) and database
  • Highly interactive capabilities like visually editing data, adding data nodes at runtime and submitting modified data back to server
  • Extensive documentation and samples get you started in minutes
Add the Rich Internet Applications functionality to your web applications with PowerCharts

Chart GalleryDownloadPowerCharts Documentation

Chart Types

PowerCharts offers 16 different chart types each with their own specialized applications:

  1. Drag Node Chart

    Drag Node ChartPowerful diagramming tool for network diagrams & process flow diagrams

  2. Heat Map Chart

    Heat Map ChartTabular representation of complex data with user-defined color ranges

  3. Multi-Axis Line Chart

    Multi-Axis Line ChartAdvanced line chart with multiple axes for comparing multiple parameters

  4. Interactive Candlestick Chart

    Interactive Candlestick ChartHighly interactive chart for plotting stock data and commodity prices

  5. Waterfall Chart

    Waterfall ChartShows the cumulative effect of positive and negative values on an initial value

  6. Drag-able Charts

    Drag-able ChartsOffers visual modification of the plotted data simply by dragging the data plots

  7. Multi-Level Pie Chart

    Multi-Level Pie ChartModern method for displaying hierarchical relationships

  8. Box and Whisker Chart

    Box and Whisker ChartDisplay the spread of a batch of data using median, quartiles, limits, mean and deviations

  9. Logarithmic Charts

    Logarithmic ChartsFor plotting very large and very small values on the same chart on a logarithmic scale

  10. Radar (Spider) Chart

    Radar (Spider) ChartEffective tool for comparing multiple entities based on different features

  11. Spline Charts

    Spline ChartsSimilar to a line chart except that it draws a fitted curve through the data points

  12. Step Line Chart

    Step Line ChartSpecialized line chart with vertical and horizontal lines to connect data points

  13. Select Scatter Chart

    Select Scatter ChartScatter Chart where data points can be visually selected & processed

  14. Inverse Axis Charts

    Inverse Axis ChartsPlot data on an inverted scale, like ranks and race timings

  15. Error Charts

    Error ChartsShows the extent of possible error (or deviation) in data using I-shaped bars

  16. Kagi Chart

    Kagi ChartFor noise free analysis of equity/commodity prices

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Posted by 홍반장

2011/04/19 10:23 2011/04/19 10:23
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- 홍반장


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