Want to build iPhone apps with HTML, CSS, and JavaScript? When you purchase this product, you'll get access to the videos and other files associated with the Learn to Build iPhone Apps with HTML, CSS, and Javascript tutorial, including slide presentations and code examples. The sessions were presented live during January and early February 2010. In this four-session video course, you'll quickly learn how to create simple web apps with features that take advantage of the device's remarkable functionality. You'll also learn to use Apple's tools to create native Cocoa-based iPhone apps. Each video session offers an easy-to-follow, hands-on lesson. It's the perfect way to get started with iPhone app design. Presented by CreativeTechs in partnership with O'Reilly, each session offers easy-to-follow, hands-on lessons. You'll begin the course by building iPhone apps with standard web tools, then you'll learn how to create native Cocoa-based iPhone apps using Apple's tools. It's the perfect way to get started with iPhone app design, and all you need to know in advance is HTML, CSS, and JavaScript basics.
Posted by 홍반장
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- 홍반장